Whether or not to choose a Professional to capture your wedding Photographs!

Weddings can be expensive and the when you thinking of ways to cut costs some people will look at either hiring a friend or family member or choosing a photographer based on price. While photos may not feel like a priority or maybe you’re just not that comfortable being in front of the camera they may just be more important than you think. Photos of the special events in your life are important not only for you but others too. The people who couldn’t attend your wedding, or weren’t invited because of space constraints are able to share in your special day as well. Your kids and grandkids will be able to appreciate the stories of your special day even more if they can see those memories for themselves. The wedding photos are the tangible record of the wonderful experience you had, the fun, the laughs, the tears, the decorations, the friends and family, and so much more that encompasses a wedding.

Many of us have friends and family who enjoy photography and may take very good photos and of course asking one of them to take the photos may be the cheapest option. On the other hand, should you hire a professional wedding photographer to capture your wedding in Vina del Mar (Fotografos de Matrimonios Vina del Mar)? This can be a tough decision

In this article, we are going to discuss a few essential things that will definitely help clarify all your doubts.


Is Your Photographer Friend Experienced in Wedding Photography?

Before you choose a photographer friend of yours for the wedding day, you need to check his experience. You need to make sure he has experience in wedding photography. There is a big difference from landscape to Portrait to corporate to wedding photography. Most photographers will do a bit of everything but they will have the majority of their experience in one field which is their specialization. Even a professional landscape photographer who does incredible work may not do a very good job at his first wedding just because he does not have the necessary experience in that particular field. Weddings are dynamic, fast-paced and chaotic for a photographer, one needs that experience to take control of any situation that might arise and manage it so that the Bride and Groom don’t have to on their special day. If you find that your friend just does casual photography or shoots personal events and has no solid portfolio in wedding photography that you can look at, then it is better not to choose him only because he might offer free or cheap photography services.

Reasons why Experience matters

You may wonder why we are talking so much about the experience of the photographer. Is having the latest and most advanced camera gear enough to capture great wedding photographs? The answer is no. With no hands-on experience, most people with an expensive camera cannot do much more than capturing some average quality photographs. Many times at weddings during the party someone will take the camera from the photographer and try and take some photos of the photographer with a group of friends. I can tell you 9/10 times the photos are not even in focus even though these are the same settings that the photographer has been using all night.

There are a lot of things a photographer needs to take into consideration while capturing a photo. The light, the background, the expression on the faces, the focus, exposure of the photo and so much more. Most photographers can take a lovely photo in a controlled light situation where they choose the location the time and they have time to set up for the optimal shooting situation. In a wedding, the photographer has very little control and needs to adapt to the situation. For example, if the ceremony is outside the couple chooses the time and location and many times the sun is very strong or uneven in that spot at that particular time, you as the photographer cannot say to the whole wedding to move to a better place you need to make it work. The florist may have placed flowers near the bride and groom during the ceremony that are blocking some angles that the photographer might like, you cannot move the flowers as the bride and groom have paid for and most likely asked for those flowers to be there so you need to find a way to make it work. I could go on for ages with more examples but the final message is that it takes years of experience and lots of weddings to figure out how to handle most situations.

Fotografos de Matrimonios Santiago

Friends taking the photos is one thing another is choosing the photographer based on the lowest price. While low price does not necessarily mean bad quality it is important to remember that apart from making a living from weddings the photographer needs to be constantly upgrading and replacing equipment so as to stay current as well as marketing and business cost like any other business. When paying a lower rate you may be getting someone with less experience, older equipment or worst of all no backup equipment. Backup equipment is exactly that, it is extra equipment in the event that a camera, lens, battery or card breaks. Growing up my mom always spoke sadly of her wedding photos as the photographer they chose did a terrible job of their photos and the only photo she liked was one portrait from the photo session. The rest were out of focus, had image shake or were over or underexposed. 

If you haven’t already you should head over to the website of a professional photographer who has been providing services for capturing photographs of marriage in Vina del Mar (Fotografos de Matrimonios Vina del Mar) for a long time and at least get a quote.

How to find out where the Best Wedding Photographer is near your Location?

Here we have discussed a few important points that can help you find the best photographer fairly quickly –

  • Online places like forums, social media, etc are the undoubtedly best places to find information about the local professional photographers. You should also search on your internet browser to find a list of photographers in your area quickly.
  • Checking the portfolio properly is a crucial thing you must remember to do when hiring any photographers. The Portfolio is an example of how consistent the photographers are as well as their specific style. This should give you an idea of how your photos will turn out on the wedding day
  • Also, go through all the additional details given on the website properly. Try and meet with the photographer as well to learn more about how they work.


About the author: Lore is Chilean and Matt in South African, they are a married wedding photographer couple who currently live in Santiago, Chile. Lore and Matt began their careers in 2010 working as photographers in the US, Europe, Carribean and parts of South America. In August 2015 they decide to settle down in Chile and started “Lore y Matt Fotografias” They Specialize in Wedding Photography and corporate / Product photography. You can visit their website to see their wedding photos (Fotografos de Matrimonios Vina del Mar) at www.lmfotografias.com

Capture los recuerdos del tan especial Día de su Matrimonio, con un Fotógrafo de Matrimonios Profesional

Desde mediados del 1800 los fotógrafos toman fotos, aun cuando la tecnología ha avanzado a ritmos increíbles en estos 160 años, seguimos apreciando las fotos como una captura de los puntos realmente memorables de nuestra vida.

Las Fotos de Matrimonio siguen siendo una parte integral de ese día especial. Una foto congela ese momento y lo guarda para poder verlo y recrearse bastante después que se comieron la torta, que se secaran las flores, que se retirara la decoración, se sacase el maquillaje y que la fiesta se hubiese terminado. Fotografías son una de las pocas cosas tangibles que van a tener después de la Matrimonio.

Siempre es aconsejable contratar fotógrafos de Matrimonios profesionales, en Santiago y Viña del Mar, para que les ayuden a captar los recuerdos de su matrimonio. Aun cuando contratar un fotógrafo de Matrimonios profesional pudiese parecer un gasto extra en estos tiempos, en los siguientes párrafos se explica la importancia de contar con un fotógrafo de Matrimonios profesional en ese día tan especial.

Fotografo de Matrimonios Chile

La mejor calidad la capta un fotógrafo profesional.

Una boda es un evento muy dinámico, con muchas partes que se mueven solo una vez en forma natural, no se puede volver atrás y repetirla. Frecuentemente el fotógrafo dispone de segundos para compensar una iluminación compleja, si no lo hace bien marca la diferencia entre una buena foto o una muy mala. Los fotógrafos profesionales de bodas tienen años de experiencia y conocimientos para salir airosos cuando no resulta lo planeado.

Usted paga un profesional por su experiencia y habilidad para resolver situaciones en la medida que sucedan, con calma y rápido. Su día de bodas es solo uno, no se justifica dejar las grabaciones del día más importante de su vida al azar. Contrate un Profesional por su consistencia y conocimientos.

Fotografo de Matrimonios Talca

Un Profesional va a capturar el tipo de fotos que le agradan.

Usted elija un fotógrafo basándose en su estilo personal y su arte. Cada fotógrafo tiene un punto de vista distinto respecto a captar su gran día. En Santiago y Viña del Mar los fotógrafos de Matrimonios profesionales tienen un portafolio o una página web para mostrar su trabajo. En la búsqueda de un fotógrafo, revise siempre estos portafolios para ver si las fotos y el estilo de edición concuerdan con lo que busca. Estas muestras le van a dar una idea de lo que puede esperar del fotógrafo elegido.

Fotografo de Matrimonios Curico

Profesionales siempre usan la mejor calidad en cámara y accesorios.

Fotógrafos de bodas profesionales usarán los mejores elementos disponibles. Sus cámaras, lentes y equipo de iluminación son de rango alto y son bastante caros. Un fotógrafo medio tiene un equipamiento de US$ 15.000 a US$ 30.000. Más importante que tener un buen equipo, un profesional tiene respaldo de cámaras, lentes, flashes, baterías, etc. Como se mencionó antes, su día de bodas es un evento puntual, y sabemos que la tecnología puede fallar. Qué pasa si se rompe una cámara o un lente? Si el fotógrafo no cuenta con extras de todo, se perderán muchos bellos momentos de su boda. No pueden dejar la ceremonia para ir a comprar o arrendar otra cámara.

Compruebe que su fotógrafo tenga respaldo de los equipos importantes, uno no sabe que podría pasar. Siempre es mejor prevenir.

Fotografias de Matrimonios Fiesta

Un Fotógrafo de Matrimonios Profesional sabe cómo capturar ese Momento

Los años de experiencia y los conocimientos de un fotógrafo de bodas profesional, les permiten capturar ese momento especial con la mayor precisión. Ellos tratan de capturar emociones y expresiones en una foto, de ese modo cuentan la historia de ese segundo. Obviamente el centro de atención son los novios, un profesional también tratará de captar las emociones, risas y alegrías de la familia y amigos. Cuando, en el tiempo, miramos una foto del abuelo bailando con una nieta, sonriendo y disfrutando, esos momentos los apreciamos, los guardamos internamente.

Fotografo de Matrimonios Chillan

Porque algunos fotógrafos son más baratos que otros?

Hay múltiples razones porque unos fotógrafos son más baratos que otros. Una podría ser que no son fotógrafos full time y toman fotos de matrimonios solo los fines de semana para aumentar ingresos. Otra que la calidad de su trabajo es relativamente pobre y carecen del conocimiento y experiencia para producir mejores fotos. Hay otros casos en que podrían no estar cubriendo el costo del negocio, por ejemplo, las cámaras tienen un tiempo de uso limitado y deben ser renovadas y actualizadas frecuentemente, sin mencionar lentes y otros accesorios. Otro de los costos de este negocio es tener un buen computador y una pantalla que entregue colores muy reales, así como software de primera línea para editar las fotos. Respaldar las fotos, también tiene su costo, ya que contoda la tecnología actual, también puede fallar. Es por ello que es esencial tener más deun respaldo de las mismas fotos, así como contratar un servicio en la nube para asegurarlas fotos. Los cursos de fotografía y los talleres de trabajo son costosos, sin embargonecesarios para aprender nuevas técnicas, habilidades y programas. Averigüe si su fotógrafo invierte en su negocio y en ellos.

Fotografos de Matrimonios Temuco

About the author: Lore is Chilean and Matt in South African, they are a married wedding photographer couple who currently live in Santiago, Chile. Lore and Matt began their careers in 2010 working as photographers in the US, Europe, Carribean and parts of South America. In August 2015 they decide to settle down in Chile and started “Lore y Matt Fotografias” They Specialize in Wedding Photography and corporate / Product photography. You can visit their website to see their wedding photos (Fotografo de Matrimonios Profesionales en Santiago) at www.lmfotografias.com

Why should Wedding Photography be on the Top of your List of Priorities when Planning your Wedding?

Your wedding day is undoubtedly one of the most special days of your life. Most People usually plan a lot of things to make the day even more special. They invite their closest family and friends, arrange delicious foods and beverages, hire and decorate the venue, and much more. Creating some unforgettable memories is the main reason why we put so much preparation into creating such a magical wedding day.
A wedding would be incomplete without a wedding photographer documenting all the hard work you put into making this one of the most special nights of your life not to mention all the wonderful moments with your family and friends. Along with all the decorations, the cake, and the food is essential to have a professional photographer to shoot your wedding day in Santiago (Fotografos de Matrimonios en Santiago). When searching for a photographer you can get recommendations from friends and you can find talented individuals on Google. Later on, in this article, we will discuss why wedding photography is such an important part of making your big day a success.

Wedding Photographers

Photography has always been one of the essential parts of the wedding day. There are many reasons why this the case. We have discussed below a few important reasons why you should keep wedding photography on the top of your list of priorities when planning your wedding.

There isn’t be a Better Way to capture the Memories of your Special Day

A wedding day is full of different emotions and a lot of precious moments. Some of them excite us, some make us emotional, and some of them fill us with joy and happiness. In 20 years or so, you may have forgotten most of the details you enjoyed on your wedding day, however with the help of your wedding photographs, you can relive those memories all over again and again. Your wedding photographs will be there long after the decorations have been taken down, the party is over and the cake is eaten.
With this in mind, it is important to remember that hiring an experienced photographer who can capture the most perfect photographs of your wedding in Santiago (Fotografos de Matrimonios en Santiago) is always recommended. While investing in a beautiful venue and a great party is extremely important is should be equally important that you invest in the person who is going to document you, your family and friends in a wonderful venue having the time of your life.

Wedding Photographers

You can Share your Memories with Others in Future

If anyone from the guest list couldn’t attend your wedding ceremony for some reason, the photographs will help you share the amazing and remarkable memories of your wedding day with them. You can also share those memories with your children and grandchildren in the future. Photographs tell stories and really complement any funny, sweet or emotional anecdotes your are sharing with your loved ones.

A Few Important Things to Remember

  • First of all, if you decide to hire a professional wedding photographer in Santiago, Chile (Wedding Photographers Santiago de Chile) for your wedding ceremony then you should choose a photographer as soon as possible. Most of the best photographers book up quickly and far in advance. If you don’t want to miss out on the photographer you love, you should consider booking them as early as possible.
  • Secondly, always check the portfolio and experience of the photographer prior to hiring him for your wedding day. Don’t just check one photograph from every wedding. Go through a series of pictures that are captured by the photographer at one particular wedding event. Also, check that their style of editing and shooting are what you like as this is likely how your wedding photographers will turn out
  • Thirdly, while high-end equipment is important is it way more important that the photographer has experience, as this way they will comfortably handle any issues and solve any problems that come their way (and they always do). Another really important point is alway check that your photographer has spare equipment. What will happen at the wedding if the camera breaks or a flash stops working at a vital point, the photographer who doesn’t have spares or everything will be in a pickle?

Fotografos de Matrimonios

About the author: Lore is Chilean and Matt in South African, they are a married wedding photographer couple who currently live in Santiago, Chile. Lore and Matt began their careers in 2010 working as photographers in the US, Europe, Carribean and parts of South America. In August 2015 they decide to settle down in Chile and started “Lore y Matt Fotografias” They Specialize in Wedding Photography and corporate / Product photography. You can visit their website to see their wedding photos (Fotografos de Matrimonios en Santiago) at www.lmfotografias.com

Let the professional photographers make your simple photo appear extraordinary!

Photography is a hobby or even a passion for many people in Curico and in Chile in general. Anyone can pick up a camera and start shooting and having fun, but what they may lack are the experience, skills when it comes to editing and most importantly different lighting techniques. A few Professional photographers in Curico (Fotografos Profesionales Curico) have the skills and experience in wedding photography. They can capture the perfect shot with the most interesting lighting Techniques. In events such as wedding ceremonies, there’s is no second chance to capture the moment, if the photo is missed it often cannot be repeated or re-staged. It is for this reason that it is important to hire a professional photographer who possesses the skill to create something extraordinary even from a simple background or situation. Continue reading to see some other benefits of hiring a professional photographer.

Fotografos de Matrimonios Santiago

Advantages of hiring a professional photographer

Photography, when done correctly, is an art form. You do not have to be an art critic to know a great photo when you see one and there is a significant difference between a snapshot and a photo of you that is so amazing you go ahead and make a wonderful album or a photo that is enlarged to become framed artwork on the wall in your house. Below are listed a few more of the reasons why a photographer can make your day that much more special.

They have the technical skills

Professional photographers have mastered through years of practice the art of posing, lighting, and editing. They have the skills to combine these three things perfectly and combine them with their experience to create something truly special which will be cherished by you forever.

Their professionalism is something worth appreciating

Hiring a professional will give you the satisfaction that you are working with someone who really loves what they do. Professional photographers in Curico will always try their best to satisfy their clients and give that extra little bit of effort that exceeds expectations. Capturing moments that will last a lifetime.

Fotografo de Matrimonios Chile
The Consistency of their work

A professional photographer knows how to achieve consistently great results when taking a picture. Every photograph captured by them will be of the best quality. The consistency of the photographer is exactly the reason you should hire them, as their portfolio due to this their consistency will give you a very good idea of what your photos will look like on the day

Creative approach

Photographers have the ability to convert a simple location into an incredibly special photo. Most of the time a talented photographer can convert a normal background into a great shot imagine what they can do with a gorgeous setting like your wedding, with the lights, decorations, and wonderful locations.

Why should you choose photographers that have an online website?

There are many photographers who advertise themselves as professionals but as with any business, it is important to invest in yourself and your brand. Many photographers do not do so and will only create Facebook pages, Instagram, and free websites. If they are not willing or able to invest in there marketing how much are they investing in the latest equipment or more important backup equipment in the case of something failing.

However, in case of photographers that have an online website you can see their portfolio, search for reviews from people who have previously hired them. Businesses that take pride in their online presence and are professional in all aspects of their work are more likely to be more professional and reliable on the wedding day making your day a special one

Fotografias de Matrimonios Fiesta
Choose a reliable professional photographer in Curico

‘Lore y Matt Fotografias’ are reputable professional photographers in Curico. They have worked in this field for a decade now. You can view their portfolio and blog to see how they work. Visit their website lmfotografias.com to get more information about their style and way of working. We suggest that you read other online articles to know more about this subject.

About the author: Lore is Chilean and Matt in South African, they are a married wedding photographer couple who currently live in Santiago, Chile. Lore and Matt began their careers in 2010 working as photographers in the US, Europe, Carribean and parts of South America. In August 2015 they decide to settle down in Chile and started “Lore y Matt Fotografias” They Specialize in Wedding Photography and corporate / Product photography. You can visit their website to see their wedding photos (Profesional Photographers in Curico) at www.lmfotografias.com

Freeze the Moments of your Special day with a Professional Wedding Photographer

A rapid development of technology in the last few decades has provided us with many high-quality camera lenses and gears that allow us to capture any specific moment or memory with ease. With photographs in hand, you can easily look back at those moments anytime in future.
However, in this article, we will focus entirely on wedding photography. A wedding is an event that not only strengthens the knot between two persons but also gives relatives and friends the opportunity to enjoy the promise of commitment the couple makes. A professional photographer in Santiago, Chile (Fotografos Profesionales Santiago de Chile) can help you save the moments of your wedding day so you can look back on them in years to come.

Professional Marriage Photographers

In the following sections, we have explained how the photographs captured by a professional wedding photographer differ from those that are taken by an ordinary individual. We have also discussed the advantages of hiring such a wedding photographer. Thus, consider reading the below points properly before contacting anyone for the photography of your wedding day.

Commitment and Dedication

The dedicated service offered by a professional wedding photographer is the foremost reason why you should consider hiring such a professional over any of the random photographers. He always stays committed to capturing photographs and nothing else. Those moments often only happen once and a wedding photographer cant rest on their laurels, they need to always be ready and watching for that split second when something awesome happens.


Having experience in wedding photography, professional photographers know the best angles and ways to capture high-quality photographs and they always do the photography accordingly. Photography cannot be taught effectively in a classroom like other jobs, one needs to take photos for years before they have the experience to capture a wedding and years more to do it well.

The Type of Photography you Want

Professional photographers generally have different wedding photography styles. These vary from colors used, lens choice, editing style, lighting used and either dark or light photos. So, it is important to choose the style of photographs you want.

Latest Camera Lenses and Equipment

Another important thing about professional wedding photographers you have to know is that they always use latest and costly camera lenses, gears, and equipment to capture the best quality photos possible. They even keep backups for each piece of their equipment in case one fails. State of the art equipment and having backups means that the photographer is investing back into the business.

Wedding Photographers

About the author: Lore is Chilean and Matt in South African, they are a married wedding photographer couple who currently live in Santiago, Chile. Lore and Matt began their careers in 2010 working as photographers in the US, Europe, Carribean and parts of South America. In August 2015 they decide to settle down in Chile and started “Lore y Matt Fotografias” They Specialize in Wedding Photography and corporate / Product photography. You can visit their website to see their wedding photos (Proffesional Photographers in Santiago Chile / Fotografos Profesionales Santiago de Chile) at www.lmfotografias.com